Life is still kind of busy just now, work has been crazy building up to a demo next week, and DS has taken on the looking after of his horse which has meant a lot of running about. Hopefully this will settle once we get into a routine.
I haven't had my machine out this week, but I have been doing lots and lots of cutting.
I treated myself to a new book, Quilts From the Selvage Edge, after finding this
inspiring blog. There are some interesting ideas both in the book and on the blog, and I have been inspired to try to use up some strips that would otherwise have gone in the bin. I haven't started stitching yet, nor gone through my scraps bin, but in no time I had quite a box full of selvages ready to use.

My other cutting out has been for a challenge quilt. We were given the following fabric and the remit to make a quilt no longer than 30 inches on any one side.

As usual, it has taken me ages to decide what to do. The fabric didn't really inspire me, and so I mooched about on the Internet looking for inspiration. The Chinese Coins style quilt
here gave me the idea to go for a very scrappy design.
I haven't started sewing yet, but the coins are all cut out and ready to go. I should get them all done this week

I know that I have neglected this blog lately, but hopefully now I've started stitching again, I should have something to show here very soon.