The children have been on holiday with their grandmother for the last week ( they'll be back tomorrow - cant wait!)
I thought that this would provide an ideal opportunity for unlimited quilting - sadly I reckoned without work messing up this plan!
At last though, I have managed something constructive. I stitched this little top together using a stack of 2 inch charms. I know it's not very exciting, but sometimes the action of sewing something, however simple, can be very therapeutic. I now need to think of borders for it. I could use this for the 4 Seasons doll quilt swap, but I haven't decided yet.
I also managed to get the next one of my Japanese Garden blocks tacked down. I'll show it off when it's finished - tacking stitches and loose threads don't look that exciting just yet! LOL!
Hi Teresa, this looks wonderful. I love the colors you've used. Don't knock squares - One Patches can be truly marvelous quilts. Have you read Finn's latest blog entry on the subject?
You're right - sometimes you just need to sew - doesn't matter what. My favourite block ever is the humble 9-patch. Lost track of how many baby quilts I've made using just these.
That's a very nice start for something, I really like the colours!
p.s. I forgot to say, your name came out of the hat for my blogversary draw, so if you email me with your postal address, I'll put a postcard in the post to you...
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